Item 14
Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) & Autism Strategies
Michael Cotton presented the item.
The report provided an update of progress on the development of the SLCN Strategy and an update on the Autism Strategy, following consultation.
The Board was informed that consultation on the Autism Strategy, had been undertaken and revised, and had subsequently been approved by the County Council Executive. The strategy had also been welcomed by the National Autistic Society. A detailed implementation plan was being developed, supported by a continuation plan which was being drafted by HAS. The Board was also informed that a 12 week programme of engagement and consultation on the draft SLCN Strategy would begin in January. The strategy describes the work underway in North Yorkshire, sets out future priorities and references other priority areas of work within CYPS, including Teenagers with Multiple Vulnerabilities.
Carolyn Bird commented that she was pleased to see reference to universal services and provision within the draft SLCN strategy. Caroline O’Neill asked if the role of specialist charities in providing support to families had been considered. Michael Cotton confirmed that the authority was working closely with a number of organisations.
14.1 – That the Board notes the report
14.2 - Partners submit any comments regarding the Strategy by the end of February 2013.
14.3 – That the Board are updated on the development of a SLCN Strategy following the consultation in Spring 2013
Full minutes here
Report on Strategy for Meeting the Needs of Children and Young People with Autism in North Yorkshire here.