Friday 13 January 2012

The trouble with statements

The Council's Young People Scrutiny Committee is about to meet. Amongst the things it will consider is the Council's consistently poor performance in assessing and then writing statements within the statutory timeframe. Cynthia Welbourn's recommendation to the committee is below:


8.1 KPI 20 indicates the percentage of finalised SEN statements (‘excluding exceptions’) that are issued within 26 weeks. High percentages indicate good performance. At the end of Q2 the timeliness figure was 86.9%. This is very similar to the Q1 performance figure (86.7%), is below the 2010/11 outturn of 94.7%, and is below the target of 100%.

8.2 The most recent national comparative data, published in October, shows that North Yorkshire’s performance for 2010/11 (94.7%) ranks the county 113th out of 149 authorities for which data is available. 80 authorities achieved a timeliness figure of 100%.

8.3 For 2010/11 North Yorkshire’s performance was in the bottom quartile compared to all authorities. North Yorkshire’s performance was also in the bottom quartile in the two previous years, 2009/10 and 2008/09. In 2009/10 North Yorkshire was ranked bottom amongst statistical neighbours.

8.4 Given this historical trend of bottom quartile performance, CYPLT should consider an investigation into performance in respect of KPI 20.

We have highlighted this poor performance for over a year, so it is nice to see Council officers finally becoming concerned. Last year the Council's performance was 12% measured in percentile ranking terms. To see just how far below most other local authorities North Yorkshire is, take a look at the last two graphs here (graphs do not include latest result).

It will be interesting to see if this extends to other areas, such as academic performance. Time will tell.

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